Archive for the 'computer programming' Category

Snowden and Data Security

Sep 27, 2016 Posted Under: computer programming, evolution

Excerpted from DarkReading ‘Stone’s movie also hit on the biggest legal vulnerability threatening our constitutional rights: secret laws being written that avoid the critical checks and balances of the American system of balance of powers. One key source of these secret threats is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court system, which issues secret rulings […]

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Towards Data Security

Jul 04, 2013 Posted Under: computer programming

My son mentioned a talk he heard by Marcel Molina about applying Thomas Aquinas’ characterization of beauty (Clarity, Proportion and Integrity) to computer programming. Which got me thinking about code integrity, which according to Geodel’s Incompleteness Theorems, is not possible to prove. But, nature does it anyway, or something close, with DNA. Species too far […]

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